Vocabulary project

Create new vocabulary project

To create a new vocabulary project, open Slovoca, select New either from the toolbar or the main menu of the application through File > New. You can use Ctrl+N hotkey as well. When the new project dialog appears, choose the location of your new vocabulary project by browsing (click on Browse... button to begin) the folders on your computer, as well as two languages. The foreign language, which corresponds to the language you want to or you are already learning and then, the native language which should be either your native language or any other language you speak fluently.

Finally, you confirm the new vocabulary project creation by clicking on Create button. If you decide to not to create a new vocabulary project, click on Cancel button.

Open an existing vocabulary project

To open a vocabulary project you have created before, select Open either from the toolbar or the main menu of the application through File > Open. You can use Ctrl+O hotkey as well. When the project opening dialog appears, navigate through the files of your computer to find the vocabulary project file you want to open, select it by single clicking on it.

Finally, click on Open button. If you decide to not to open an existing vocabulary project, click on Cancel button.

Saving current vocabulary project

When you do a modification to your current vocabulary project, the message "(unsaved changes)" appears at the end of the main application window title. To save your modifications, select Save or Save As... (if you want to save the project under a different a name or to a different location on your computer) either from the toolbar or the main menu of the application through respectively File > Save or File > Save As.... You can use respectively Ctrl+S or Ctrl+Shift+S hotkey as well.

If you decided to save your current vocabulary project to a different location or under a different name, the save project dialog will appear allowing you to navigate through the files of your computer to find a new project location and define a new project file name. Once you are done doing the latest, confirm the saving by clicking on Save button or close the save dialog without saving by clicking on Cancel button.

Working with vocabulary project

Before doing any modification to your current vocabulary project, please, select the vocabulary part (the list of entries in foreign language on the left or the list of entries in native language on the right of the main application window) you want to make modifications to by clicking either on the former or on the latter. The title area of the activated list will become blue.

Adding a new entry

In order to add a new entry to the selected vocabulary list of words, select Add from the toolbar or Entry > Add from the main menu of the application. You can use Ctrl+A hotkey as well. When the add entry dialog appears, fill in the information you are prompted for and confirm the insertion by clicking on Add button or cancel it by clicking on Cancel button.

Note that, when you are adding a new entry to the list of entries in foreign language, you can not fill the pronunciation (phonetic transcription) of its translation(s) as it/they already is/are in your native language or another language you should speak fluently. Similarly, when you are adding a new entry to the list of entries in native language, you can not define pronunciation (phonetic transcription) for.

Note also that, you can type pronunciation (phonetic transcription) strings using IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) transcription characters/symbols.

Editing an existing entry

For starters, select an existing entry either in the left or the right part of your vocabulary you want to modify. Afterwards, just select Edit from the toolbar or Entry > Edit from the main menu of the application. You can use Ctrl+E hotkey as well. The same dialog with the same possibilities will appear as when you are trying to add a new entry (see previous section) but pre-filled with all the information corresponding to the entry you have selected for editing. You can modify the entry and confirm your modifications by clicking on Save button or discard them by clicking on Cancel button.

Deleting an existing entry

Select an existing entry either in the left or the right part of your vocabulary you want to delete. Then, just select Remove from the toolbar or Entry > Remove from the main menu of the application. You can use Ctrl+D hotkey as well.

Finding an entry

The entries in both left and right part of the vocabulary are sorted alphabetically respecting the alphabetical order of the corresponding language and culture. You can also search for an entry by typing your query to the text box in the tool bar and clicking on Find button on the tool bar, right next to the text box. Do not forget to activate the vocabulary part (list of entries) you want to perform the search in.

If the requested entry is found, it will be selected automatically in the activated list of entries (on the left or on the right).